Dental Bonding ⋆ DENTONAL ⋆ Antalya, TURKEY

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding

Restore Your Smile In One Visit With Dental Bonding In Antalya/TURKEY

Are you looking for a beautiful, painless, single appointment solution to your smile concerns? If you, dental bonding from DENTONAL Dental Clinic in Antalya, TURKEY, may be the right choice for you. This fast and efficient procedure is a simple way to repair minor tooth damage and correct aesthetic concerns.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding restores teeth using a resin material, which is applied directly to the tooth surface. Bonding may be used to:

  • Repair chipped teeth
  • Repair some minor fractures or cracks
  • Protect exposed tooth root associated with gum recession
  • Replace worn enamel
  • Cover stains that do not respond to whitening treatment
  • Close spaces between teeth
  • Lengthen or reshape teeth
  • Other cosmetic smile enhancements

About The Procedure

The dental bonding procedure is very similar to that of cosmetic fillings. The primary difference between dental bonding and resin fillings is preparation. A filling is placed where the tooth has decayed, which means that we need to remove damaged material around the cavity. Bonding, on the other hand, is usually done in areas with no decay, so drilling is rarely necessary. The process is completed in just a few steps:

  • Tooth preparation – In most cases, we do not even need to use anesthetic, because the process is gentle and pain-free. Preparation simply requires cleaning the tooth and applying a liquid that roughens the surface.
  • Application – Bonding material is a soft, putty-like consistency. We use a shade guide to precisely match the color of the bonding to your teeth, for a beautifully natural looking result. The material is applied directly to the prepared surface and shaped to replicate natural tooth contours.
  • Hardening – We use a specialized curing light to harden the bonding material for a long-lasting restoration.
  • Finishing touches – If needed, we can further refine the shape of the bonding after it is hardened. The final step is polishing your tooth and restoration to a beautiful sheen. When completed, the bonded area will look like a part of your natural tooth enamel. If you were to compare before and after photos, you would not notice the dental bonding – you would simply notice that the tooth is more beautiful.

Are You A Candidate For Dental Bonding?

The answer depends on the nature of the tooth damage, as well as your preferences. We use a high-quality resin that is extremely durable. However, resin is not as hard as dental porcelain. Therefore, if a significant amount of tooth structure needs to be replaced, a crown may be needed. Additionally, patients who want the longest lasting cosmetic restoration may prefer porcelain veneers.


If you would like to explore your options, get in touch with us for a consultation. We will explain the pros and cons of dental bonding and answer your questions so that you can make an informed decision. Call or text DENTONAL Dental Clinic and schedule a consultation appointment today.


If you would like to explore your options, get in touch with us for a consultation. We will explain the pros and cons of dental bonding and answer your questions so that you can make an informed decision. Call or text DENTONAL Dental Clinic and schedule a consultation appointment today.