Sedation Dentistry ⋆ DENTONAL ⋆ Antalya, TURKEY

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Options For Sedation Dentistry In Antalya, TURKEY, With Sleep Dentistry

Dental anxiety is a common problem, which affects more than half of the population. The effects extend beyond mental health. Research indicates that between 9 and 20 percent of adults avoid or postpone necessary dental care due to fear and anxiety. If you are among them, please know that our team at DENTONAL Dental Clinic in Antalya, Turkey, are here to help. Sedation, along with gentle techniques and human compassion, can help you get the treatment you need without fear.

Types Of Dental Sedation

There are three standard levels of sedation:

  • Inhaled – Often called laughing gas, this is the most common type of sedation. It utilizes nitrous oxide, which has relaxing and mildly euphoric properties. Inhaled sedation can be neutralized with oxygen when treatment is complete, so there are no lingering effects.
  • Oral – This involves taking a prescription sedative orally. It may make you feel groggy, but you will remain conscious. You will need to take the pill in advance so that the sedative is fully effective by the time treatment begins. Some people find that early effects or oral sedatives help quell pre-treatment anxiety.
  • IV – The strongest level of sedation is achieved with medication delivered directly into the bloodstream via an IV. This technique is often referred to as sleep dentistry because patients have minimal awareness of the dental office’s sights, sounds, and smells. However, it is different from general anesthesia, and you will not be completely unconscious.

The Benefits Of Dental Sedation

The most common and obvious use of sedation is easing anxiety in high-fear patients. However, it can be beneficial in many other situations. Patients who need major dental work often wish to combine multiple procedures in a single appointment, resulting in spending a long time in the dental chair. Sedation can make this experience more relaxing, reduce boredom, and help prevent dental chair fatigue. Additionally, sedation can help with claustrophobia, strong gag reflex, and other issues that might make dentistry unpleasant.

Are You Ready To Relax In The Dental CHAIR?

If you are looking for sedation dentistry in Antalya, Turkey, Call or text DENTONAL Dental Clinic and schedule a consultation appointment today.

Are You Ready To Relax In The Dental CHAIR?

If you are looking for sedation dentistry in Antalya, Turkey, Call or text DENTONAL Dental Clinic and schedule a consultation appointment today.